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Books are soft cover unless mentioned as hard cover.
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Welcome to all the chickencolours books!

  • After ordering with Paypal, please check your Paypal-account you bought a book.
  • There is sometimes no check-out page, I try to solve this the last 10+ years.
  • As soon as I see your payment (I’m in Europe) I send you an email that I received your payment and tell you when the book is going to the post office. That’s the next day unless the post office is closed.
  • When you are in the United States of America: I now also have an USD ($) bank account through Wise.
  • You can email me or message on Facebook, and I send you a pay-link from Wise that lets you pay through your own bank. Of course I need your address for sending the book too.
  • If you have special wishes you can tell me, like a dedication when the book is a gift and such things. Okay, here they come:

The Genetics of Chicken Colours book is € 75
• Postage Europe: €15, total €90
• Postage World €23,50, total €98,50
Books are sent registered.

I sign your book with soft pencil so you can see it is not a printed signature.


Genetics of chicken colours, incl. postage €98,50
World (US, Australia etc)

Genetics of chicken colours, incl. postage €90,-
Europe & UK

Consider using iban/bic bank payment when you are in €-zone. Email me for bank payment. When you are in the United States of America, I have a USD {$) normal bank account at Wise, I can send you a pay-link.

• EXTENDED EDITION Genetics of Chicken Colours Hardcover €85,00
• Postage Europe 0-2 kilo : € 25,00, total € 110.
• Postage World 0-2 kilo: € 36,50, total € 121,50.
• Books are always sent registered & insured.
• I sign your book with soft pencil so you can see it is not a printed signature.
If you have a special request like a dedication, please contact me via email.

World (US, Australia etc)
Extended Edition
Genetics of chicken colours, incl. postage €121,50

Europe & UK
Extended Edition
Genetics of chicken colours, incl. postage €110

Genetics of Chicken Extremes

200 pages, 500+ fc photos

The book Genetics of chicken Extremes costs €75.
• Shipping costs Europe: €15, total €90

• Shipping costs World: €23.50, total €98.50
The books are sent by registered mail.

I will sign your book with soft pencil, so you can see it is not a printed signature.

World (USA, Australia etc.)
Genetics of chicken Extremes, incl. shipping €98.50

Europe & UK
Genetics of chicken Extremes, incl. shipping €90

Consider using iban/bic bank payment when you are in €-zone. Email me for bank payment. When you are in the United States of America, I have a USD {$) normal bank account at Wise, I can send you a pay-link.

Both Genetics of Chicken Colours & Chicken Extremes

Genetics of Chicken COLOURS + EXTREMES
• Postage Europe & UK € 16,30
• Postage World € 29,95
• Plus 2€ special packaging.


Both genetics books, incl. postage €177,95
World (US, Australia rest of the world)

Both genetics books, incl. postage €166,65
Europe & UK

Consider using iban/bic bank payment when you are in €-zone. Email me for bank payment. When you are in the United States of America, I have a USD {$) normal bank account at Wise, I can send you a pay-link.

The Brahma book, hard and soft cover

308 pages, 1000+ fc photos

The hard cover Special Edition of the Brahma book comes with an exclusively drawn Ex Libris (bookplate) on luxury watermark paper and a ribbon. Due to the many pages and heavy paper used, it weighs more than 1.5 kilos and it can only be sent as a parcel due to its size. Your copy is signed by me with a pencil so you can see it is not a printed signature.

•The Brahma Bible Hardcover is €110,00
• Postage Europe 0-2 kilo : € 25,00, total € 135.
• Postage World 0-2 kilo: € 36,50, total € 146,50.
• Books are always sent registered & insured.
• I sign your book with soft pencil so you can see it is not a printed signature.
If you have a special request like a dedication, please contact me via email.

The softcover edition has the same content as the hardcover. Largest most complete work on a single breed.


Hard cover Special Edition Brahma bible , incl. postage
€ 146,50
World (US, Australia etc)

Hard cover Special Edition Brahma bible, incl. postage
€ 135,-
Europe & UK

Soft cover Brahma bible, incl. postage €121,50
World (US, Australia etc)

Soft cover Brahma bible, incl. postage €110
Europe & UK

Consider using iban/bic bank payment when you are in €-zone. Email me for bank payment. When you are in the United States of America, I have a USD {$) normal bank account at Wise, I can send you a pay-link.

The history of all crested breeds incl. The Sultan Book… Hardcover!

The History of all crested breeds including The Sultan Book – Hardcover

Beautifully printed hardcover book, 224 pages full colour, 500+ unique historical engravings, paintings and photos, packed with knowledge on the history of all crested breeds as there are: Crève Coeur, Houdan, Polish, Padua, Brabant, and the Sultans. A must have for any crested fan.
I sign your book with soft pencil.
This hard cover book is €75 plus €2 bookwrap so it will arrive undamaged.
Postage Europe: €12,95 registered
Postage to the rest of the world €25,00 registered.

The History of all crested breeds incl. The Sultan Book hard cover
Incl. postage €99,99
World (US, Australia etc)

The History of all crested breeds incl. The Sultan Book hard cover
Incl. postage €89,95
Europe & UK

Consider using iban/bic bank payment when you are in €-zone. Email me for bank payment. When you are in the United States of America, I have a USD {$) normal bank account at Wise, I can send you a pay-link.

All books are separately discussed in the drop down menu.
Check it out if you want to know more about a book.

The original Silkie & Silkie bantams book

194 pages, 1000+ fc photos

The Silkie book is €65.

  • Shipping costs Europe: €15, total €80
  • Shipping costs world: €23.50, total €88.50
    The books are sent by registered mail.

I will sign your book with soft pencil, so you can see it is not a printed signature.

World (US, Australia etc)
Silkies & Silkie bantams bible, including postage €88,50

Europe & UK
Silkies & Silkie bantams bible, including postage €80,-

Consider using iban/bic bank payment when you are in €-zone. Email me for bank payment. When you are in the United States of America, I have a USD {$) normal bank account at Wise, I can send you a pay-link.

The New Serama Book, the one and only

195 pages, 1000+ f.c. photos

The Serama book costs €65.

  • Shipping costs Europe: €15, total €80
  • Shipping costs world: €23.50, total €88.50
    The books are sent by registered mail.

I will sign your book with soft pencil, so you can see it is not a printed signature.

For the US contact Jerry if he has books in stock.
Or use the below paypal buttons

World (USA, Australia etc.)
The New Serama book
incl. postage €88.50

Europe & UK
The New Serama book
incl. postage €80

Consider using iban/bic bank payment when you are in €-zone. Email me for bank payment. When you are in the United States of America, I have a USD {$) normal bank account at Wise, I can send you a pay-link.

All books are separately discussed in the drop down menu.
Check it out if you want to know more about a book.

Children’s book: Java and the Buzzard

Java and the buzzard is an exciting adventure story about a brave cockerel who rescues his friends in a very surprising way.
It is also for adults, because it tells about creative solutions.
Java and the buzzard is an adventure story for children. Originally written and drawn for my son and it tells an exciting story about Java (a ‘sort of’ rose comb cock) and his friends. The hard cover book consists of 36 colourful heavy paper pages and is full of illustrations. It is a picture book in bright colours which kids and you like.

Java and the Buzzard
Including postage €42,45
World (US, Australia etc)

Java and the Buzzard
Including postage €38,45
Europe & UK

Consider using iban/bic bank payment when you are in €-zone. Email me for bank payment. When you are in the United States of America, I have a USD {$) normal bank account at Wise, I can send you a pay-link.

Fascination, collected illustrations Sigrid van Dort

Mostly animal themed book with illustrations and paintings, some for articles and books, lots as an overview of the many styles possible.
For fun only, it is a rare book, printed only 25 and there are 8 left.

Fascination World (US, Australia, etc) € 17,95 registered, total €77,95

Fascination Europe & UK €12,95, total €72,95

Consider using iban/bic bank payment when you are in €-zone. Email me for bank payment. When you are in the United States of America, I have a USD {$) normal bank account at Wise, I can send you a pay-link.

La genetica delle estremità del polloEsaurito

…é l’edizione italiana del libro “Genetics of chicken extremes”. I libri “La genetica delle estremità del pollo” e “La genetica delle colorazioni del pollo”, sono le opere più complete mai scritte per gli allevatori hobbisti anche in termini di schemi e foto a corredo. Essi sono in grado di fornire all’allevatore ogni nozione genetica utile per l’allevamento ornamentale prendendo in considerazione in modo chiaro e comprensibile i fattori genetici alla base di colori e caratteristiche morfologiche.
La genetica delle estremità del pollo prende in considerazione i tratti genetici responsabili delle manifestazioni fenotipiche che differiscono dal “modello base” rappresentato dal Gallus Bankiva: creste, morfologia e colore dei tarsi, relative calzature, barba, ciuffi, colore delle uova, nanismo, senza coda, varie tipologie di piumaggio ecc. Anche molti dei geni letali presenti nel pollame vengono approcciati.
Traduzione e riadattamento del testo alla lingua italiana a cura di Saveria Lippera. La procedura di ordine é effettuata in Olanda, da dove é effettuata anche la spedizione. Questa scelta é stata compiuta dall’autrice per evitare un incremento di prezzo della versione italiana dell’opera rispetto all’edizione inglese.

Per ordinare il libro pagandolo con carta di credito si può utilizzare la casella paypal sottostante.
Per effettuare un bonifico bancario, si prega invece di inviare una e-mail: verranno trasmessi codice IBAN e BIC del conto sul quale effettuare il versamento del prezzo.
Una volta effettuato il pagamento, il tempo di consegna previsto é di 4-7 giorni; verrà in ogni caso trasmesso all’acquirente il numero di tracciamento del pacco.

La genetica delle estremità del pollo,
é in vendita al prezzo di €75 più €2 per l’imballo che eviterà danneggiamenti dovuti al trasporto. La spedizione nel resto del mondo: €17,95. Totale €94,95

La genetica delle estremità del pollo, per l’Italia (ed Europa) é in vendita al prezzo di €75 più € 2 per l’imballo che eviterà danneggiamenti dovuti al trasporto. Spese postali di invio (tracciabile): €12,95. Totale €89,95

La Genetica delle colorazioni del pollo…Esaurito

…é l’edizione italiana del libro “Genetics of chicken colours”. Il libro é stato tradotto in lingua italiana da Saveria Lippera e consta anche di riferimenti a razze autoctone italiane non presenti nell’edizione originale, rispetto alla quale ha un numero maggiore di pagine. La procedura di ordine é effettuata in Olanda, da dove é effettuata anche la spedizione. Questa scelta é stata compiuta dall’autrice per evitare un incremento di prezzo della versione italiana dell’opera rispetto all’edizione inglese; in Italia, difatti, l’IVA dovuta sulle autopubblicazioni (quale é il libro in questione) é fissata al 22% contro il 9% dell’Olanda, mentre i costi per la spedizione sono solo di pochissimo inferiori.
Per ordinare il libro pagandolo con carta di credito si può utilizzare la casella paypal sottostante.
Per effettuare un bonifico bancario, si prega invece di inviare una e-mail: verranno trasmessi codice IBAN e BIC del conto sul quale effettuare il versamento del prezzo.
Una volta effettuato il pagamento, il tempo di consegna previsto é di 4-7 giorni; verrà in ogni caso trasmesso all’acquirente il numero di tracciamento del pacco.

“La genetica delle colorazioni del pollo”
nel resto del mondo: €17,95 (tracciabile) é in vendita al prezzo di €75 più €2 per l’imballo che eviterà danneggiamenti dovuti al trasporto.

Totale €94,95

“La genetica delle colorazioni del pollo” per l’Italia (ed Europa) é in vendita al prezzo di €75 più €2 per l’imballo che eviterà danneggiamenti dovuti al trasporto.
Spese postali di invio (tracciabile) : €12,95. Totale €89,95

All books, also the ones not mentioned here, are separately discussed in the drop down menu.
Check it out if you want to know more about a book.