When you are in the United States of America, I have a USD ($) bank account through Wise.
You can email me or message on Facebook, and I send you a pay-link from Wise that lets you pay through your own bank.
Silkies and Silkie bantams + Genetics of Chicken Colours

Silkie & Colour genetics together
World (US, Australia, rest of the world) €65 + €75 + €29,95 = €169,95
Silkie & Colour genetics together
Europe & UK
€65 + €75 + €16,30 = €156,30
Consider using iban/bic bank payment when you are in €-zone. Email me for bank payment.

The New Serama book + Genetics of Chicken Colours

Serama & Colour genetics together
World (US, Australia, rest of the world) €65 + €75 + €29,95 = €169,95
Serama & Colour genetics together Europe & UK
€65 + €75 + €16,30 = €156,30
Consider using iban/bic bank payment when you are in €-zone. Email me for bank payment

History of all crested breeds incl. The Sultan Book +
Genetics of Chicken Colours

Sultan book Hard cover & Genetics of Chicken Colours Soft cover World (US, Australia etc) Parcel is 2-5 kilos.
€75 + €75 + €58,50 = €208,50
Sultan book Hard cover & Genetics of Chicken Colours Soft cover Europe + UK
Parcel is 2-5 kilos (flat rate).
€75 + €75 + €30,50 = €180,50
Consider using iban/bic bank payment when you are in €-zone. Email me for bank payment.

Genetics of Chicken COLOURS + EXTREMES
• Postage Europe & UK € 16,30
• Postage World € 29,95
• Plus 2€ special packaging.
Both genetics books, incl. postage €177,95
World (US, Australia rest of the world)
Both genetics books, incl. postage €166,65
Europe & UK

La genetica delle estremità del pollo e La genetica delle colorazioni del pollo, nspese postali die invio (tracciabile) nel resto del mondo €29,95. Totale €177,95 ESAURITO
La genetica delle estremità del pollo e La genetica delle colorazioni del pollo, nspese postali die invio (tracciabile) per l’Italia (ed Europa) €16,30. Totale €166,65 ESAURITO

All books are separately discussed in the drop down menu.
Check it out if you want to know more about a book.
If you want another combination or different address than your paypal, drop me a message via email or on facebook.
History of all crested breeds incl. The Sultan Book +
Genetics of Chicken Extremes

Sultan book Hard cover & Genetics of Chicken Extremes Soft cover World (US, Australia etc) Parcel is 2-5 kilos.
€75 + €75 + €58,50 = €208,50
Sultan book Hard cover & Genetics of Chicken Extremes Soft cover Europe + UK
Parcel is 2-5 kilos.
€75 + €75 + €30,50 = €180,50
When a heavy book of 1400 grams (EXTENDED EDITION COLOUR GENETICS, BRAHMA BOOK, CRESTEDS & SULTAN BOOK) is combined with another book, it exceeds the weight of 2 kilos and then it becomes the postal rate for 2-5 kilos.
This is considerably more expensive as you pay for many ’empty’ kilos. The excess weight is only a few hundred grams when adding for example the Extremes book + packaging.
At 2-5 kilos, there is room for, say, a heavy book plus 3 more books…
Contact me if you have questions about this.
World postage for 2-5 kilos: €71,75 for Australia and €58,50 to the USA. Any other carrier is more expensive because of the insurance. From a thrifty Dutch point of view for what is being sent in weight this amount is crazy, there is room for at least 3 more books.
Softcover books, 2 titles is the same postage as 1 book because it is the 0-2 kilo rate.
I made a flat rate for Europe when possible, for the more expensive books that is not possible because of the crazy postage that PostNL charges for Europe2.
Because rates for Europe are all over the place, the postage is on average:
Postage for 2-5 kilo for Europe1 is €28.50
Europe1: Austria, Belgium, Denmark ex Faroe Islands & Greenland, Estonia, Finland, Germany, France incl. Corsica & Monaco, Iceland, Ireland, Italy ex San Marino, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Poland, Portugal, Spain inc. Balearic Islands ex Canary Islands, United Kingdom incl. Channel Islands and Gibraltar, Sweden.
Postage for 2-5 kilo for Europa 1B is 37,00
Europe 1B: Greece, Switzerland, Norway.
Postage for 2-5 kilo for Europe2 is €47.00
Europe2: Albania, Andorra, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Canary Islands, Cyprus, Faroe Islands, Greenland, Hungary, Kosovo, Croatia, Liechtenstein, Macedonia, Malta, Moldova, Montenegro, Ukraine, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Turkey.